
Welcome to The Millennials Guide To…!

Hello, hello! This blog, this website, this career. All of it has been a long time coming, and I’m so happy to finally be putting pen to paper for all of you. My website and its services revolve around virtual home staging and interior styling but this blog will cover a much broader range of all things interior design. I love it all, and I want to talk about it all. With you! Furthermore, I want to do more than just design spaces; I want to educate people on how to design for themselves. Creating the perfect furniture layout for your space, understanding the marriage between the style and functionality of that furniture, not flinching at the sight of an awkward floorplan. These are superpowers. Superpowers that many people don’t have. They live in their apartments or homes, slap a “Live, Laugh, Love” canvas on that blank wall that always felt like it was staring back at them and call it a day. Then they hop on Pinterest and add to their Dream Home Board. Never creating a space that’s truly theirs, reflective of their personality, a space they enjoy waking up in and look forward to coming home to.

My generation of Millennials is particularly guilty of this and I want to put an end to it. Whether you’re an apartment dweller, a first time home owner or back home with the ‘ol “rents” and your domain is a single room, let’s live it up! Enjoy that space! Own it! Make it you! I used to live by the idea that making a space mine didn’t matter until I owned a home, why put it in the effort? I’ll get to it eventually, when I’m independently wealthy in my mansion. But then I realized how intensely surroundings impact my…everything. Mood, confidence, motivation, level of overwhelm and anxiety, sociability, the list goes on. Why, why, why would I allow something so influential wait for “someday”? So I hunkered down, and started reading, researching, learning all the tricks of the trade to designing a space that’s so much more than just a place to collapse at the end of the day. Small space? I got you. Ugly space? I’ve been there, and I can help. Need a room to function in multiple ways? Let’s go! Want to tear down and burn that “Live, Laugh, Love” canvas? I’ll be dancing ‘round that fire with you baby! (can you tell I really hate those things?)

So. To target the abovementioned rant, I’ll be starting a series of blog posts titled, “The Millennials Guide To…” each week where we’ll be breaking down every interior design question you can think of and providing realistic, easy and affordable solutions to creating a space you absolutely THRIVE in. You’re about to gain some superpowers, you ready?



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